Don't Sell. Help Buyers to Buy

There's been so many times over the years when I've helped salespeople reel back the urge to sell. Sounds crazy, I know.  Let me elaborate a bit about the power of helping buyers to buy.

In the world of sales, the focus has traditionally been on selling. Salespeople have been trained to persuade, convince and even cajole buyers into making a purchase. However, I think a new paradigm should be looked at. Instead of trying to sell, focus on helping buyers to buy.


What does it mean to help buyers buy?

Helping buyers to buy means putting the needs of the buyer first. It means understanding what the buyer wants, what they need, and what their pain points are. Instead of pushing a product or service, businesses that help buyers buy focus on understanding the buyer's situation and offering solutions that meet their needs.

One of the keys to helping buyers buy is to be transparent and honest. Buyers are savvy and can spot a sales pitch from a mile away. When businesses are transparent about their products and services, buyers are more likely to trust them. They are also more likely to feel confident in making a purchase, knowing that they are getting exactly what they need.

Another important aspect of helping buyers buy is to provide information and resources that are relevant and useful. Buyers want to feel empowered to make their own decisions. By providing information and resources that are helpful, businesses can give buyers the tools they need to make informed decisions.


How can we help buyers buy?

--Listen to the buyer: The first step in helping buyers buy is to listen to them. Ask questions and truly listen to the answers. Understand what the buyer wants and needs and what their pain points are. This will help you to offer solutions that meet their needs. One of my favorite rules to always keep in mind:  we have 2 ears and 1 mouth for a reason.

--Be transparent: Be honest and transparent about your products and services. Don't try to hide anything or oversell your offerings. Buyers appreciate honesty and transparency and are more likely to trust a business that is upfront about everything.

--Provide resources: By offering resources, such as blog posts, videos, or whitepapers, we can help buyers learn about the product or service they are interested in. This can include information about the features, benefits, and use cases of the product, as well as best practices for implementation and usage. By providing such information, buyers can make more informed decisions about whether or not the service is right for them, and we are empowering the buyer to make their own decisions.

--Offer solutions, not products: Instead of pushing a product, offer a solution that meets the buyer's needs. This could mean customizing your offerings to meet their specific requirements or providing additional services that will help them achieve their goals.

--Be available: Make yourself available to the buyer. Be responsive to their questions and concerns. Offer support and guidance throughout the buying process. By being available, you are showing the buyer that you care about their needs and are committed to helping them succeed.

--Provide exceptional service: Providing exceptional service can also help buyers buy. By making it easy for buyers to get answers to their questions or resolve any issues they may encounter, we can help buyers feel more confident in their purchase decision. This can include having a dedicated account manager or customer success team to help buyers with their specific needs, a regular support schedule, providing self-service resources such as a knowledge base.


The benefits of helping buyers buy

By focusing on helping buyers to buy, we can build trust and credibility with prospects. Buyers are more likely to return to a business that has provided them with a positive experience. They are also more likely to recommend us to others.

In addition, by helping buyers to buy, we'll generally increase sales. When buyers feel confident and empowered to make a purchase, they are more likely to do so. This will lead to increased revenue and growth.

In our competitive marketplace, businesses that focus on helping buyers to buy are more likely to succeed. By understanding the buyer's needs and offering solutions that meet those needs, businesses can build trust and credibility with our prospects and customers. This, in turn, can lead to increased sales and growth for the business.

So, one ingredient in a successful sales process is helping buyers to buy, not trying to sell.