Our Precision To Assure Your Success in Retail / Wholesale / eCommerce-

The PerfectMatch™ System

Sales Leaders help companies address skills gaps, pilot new initiatives, tackle critical priorities, and, above all, deliver the growth the business is looking for! Their success is based on our proprietary PerfectMatch™ system. In short, bringing in someone who has “been there and done that.”

Relevant experience in Retail - Food, Clothing & Textiles, Consumer Durables, Footwear, Jewelry, Books-Music-Gift Articles, or Fuel - ,Wholesale - merchant wholesalers, brokers and agents, or manufacturers' and retailers' branches and offices - an eCommerce enables a Sales Leader to step into an assignment and be immediately successful because they have tackled a challenge around a very similar product and sales process in the same industry vertical before. Matching the client’s goals and specifications for the role against the roster identifies a tight slate of one, maybe two qualified, interested, and available executives.

One of our Client Success Stories:

Companies our Sales Leaders have worked for: